We are now back to regular programming, having done my weekly sync with Sagarika early this week. In this meeting, we mainly discussed the progress of my task. I've been moving fairly steadily, but I can sense that there is a bit more need for urgency to complete this first micro credential (MC 1) so that it can be finalised. We had not previously discussed a deadline because there were many things that needed to be reviewed by Bruce and the authors. I recommended that we set one so that I could be clear on my workload, so we have established that by next Friday, all visual assets for MC 1 should be finished. This is because StarMaster will be hosting another academic review for a different MC next Friday, so we will need to be moving on by then. I believe I can achieve this deadline, and Sagarika has been very helpful in offering flexibility and support.
New and old connections
Sagarika has also put me in touch with the author of MC1, Mark. After introducing ourselves over email, I have organised a time to virtually meet up with him later this week so that we can discuss the visual assets that I have been creating for his modules, and whether they align with his teaching. I think this is a great opportunity to meet another member of StarMaster, and gain a better understanding of the content that I am creating for- from a more academic standpoint. This meeting will also help me to clarify some of the aspects of the brief that I was unsure about, like certain photos and technical details that have been a challenge for me to recreate.
There has also been an update in the relationship between Olga and the company, due to changes in availabilities and contracts. This has resulted in the marketing mentorship ending early. While this is a bit of a disappointment, I think it is something important to learn from. The capacity of relationships with colleagues in different types of roles, whether in-house or employed or freelance, will change. I think it's important to stay adaptable and be understanding of any situation. Sagarika also assured me that I was welcome to stay in touch with Olga outside of StarMaster, and that she and Bruce would be happy to provide me with a reference and even a possible employed position at the end of the internship.
Task progress
Here are some more things I have been working on. So far, I've received approval from Sagarika on my work, and it will be great to get some feedback from the author of this content later this week.

Current reflections
I am finding that in this workplace, there is a lot of back and forth communication with different parties who are all involved in this program. I have been able to observe the efficiency and efficacy of which Sagarika facilitates communication between different team members, and it is honestly quite impressive. I'm also grateful for her encouragement of opportunities in my career progression. I am really keen to see these dynamics in real life when I attend the in-person academic review next week.
Hours completed: